Audio-Description Services
Beth was a 2023-24 Fellow of the Audio-Description Learning Network, created to increase representation by queer and BIPOC people as theatre audio-describers in the Philadelphia area. Audio description makes live events more accessible and enjoyable for those who are blind/low vision/visually impaired. Through a radio-enabled microphone, an audio describer details setting, movement, character appearance, costumes – anything visual that is needed to understand the play – and attendees listen via headphones and receivers.
Working with People's Light and Theatre Company, mentors, coaches and a cohort of four Fellows, Beth's training included creating pre-show notes, presenting sensory tours, and describing a live theatre production for feedback from the cohort and audience members. You can listen a sample Beth's audio-described pre-show notes here.
You can learn more about the Fellowship Program here and read about Beth's work with People's Light here. To engage Beth to describe a performance in the Philadelphia area, send her an email.
In June 2024, Beth was awarded one of the inaugural Sowing Excellence Awards. The Sowing Excellent Awards, a program of the U.S. Botanic Garden (USBG) and the IDEA Center for Public Gardens, aims to recognize and support the growth of plant-centered activities that tap into the potential of under-resourced, underrepresented communities and organizations and expand the availability of funds to those who previously may have been excluded from similar awards/funding.
The Award will enable Beth to develop audio-descriptions for the Chicago Botanic Garden and for Bartram’s Garden in Philadelphia. In each location, Beth will work with the interpretation team and a collaborator from the blind- or low-vision community to create short, audio-descriptions that will be permanently available to visitors. The award will support Beth's travel as well as stipends for her collaborative partners. In Philadelphia, Beth is working with Charmaine Parrish, a community researcher and accessibility advocate. In Chicago, Beth is working with Second Sense, an organization that teaches adults with vision loss skills that increase their independence.
Stay tuned for updates!
Beth was a 2023-24 Fellow of the Audio-Description Learning Network, created to increase representation by queer and BIPOC people as theatre audio-describers in the Philadelphia area. Audio description makes live events more accessible and enjoyable for those who are blind/low vision/visually impaired. Through a radio-enabled microphone, an audio describer details setting, movement, character appearance, costumes – anything visual that is needed to understand the play – and attendees listen via headphones and receivers.
Working with People's Light and Theatre Company, mentors, coaches and a cohort of four Fellows, Beth's training included creating pre-show notes, presenting sensory tours, and describing a live theatre production for feedback from the cohort and audience members. You can listen a sample Beth's audio-described pre-show notes here.
You can learn more about the Fellowship Program here and read about Beth's work with People's Light here. To engage Beth to describe a performance in the Philadelphia area, send her an email.
In June 2024, Beth was awarded one of the inaugural Sowing Excellence Awards. The Sowing Excellent Awards, a program of the U.S. Botanic Garden (USBG) and the IDEA Center for Public Gardens, aims to recognize and support the growth of plant-centered activities that tap into the potential of under-resourced, underrepresented communities and organizations and expand the availability of funds to those who previously may have been excluded from similar awards/funding.
The Award will enable Beth to develop audio-descriptions for the Chicago Botanic Garden and for Bartram’s Garden in Philadelphia. In each location, Beth will work with the interpretation team and a collaborator from the blind- or low-vision community to create short, audio-descriptions that will be permanently available to visitors. The award will support Beth's travel as well as stipends for her collaborative partners. In Philadelphia, Beth is working with Charmaine Parrish, a community researcher and accessibility advocate. In Chicago, Beth is working with Second Sense, an organization that teaches adults with vision loss skills that increase their independence.
Stay tuned for updates!
Description: This photo is of some members of the Audio-Description Learning Network cohort. A group of eight people of various ages and identities stand outside a theatre in winter coats and scarves. One person holds a white cane.